About Us

I did my graduation in mechanical engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore, and currently hold a senior position in one of the largest manufacturers of home appliances in the country: Pak Elektron Limited (PEL).

Proper to the ever-evolving field of mechanical engineering, my purpose here is to provide valuable theoretical knowledge made easier to understand with real-world applications, experiences, and observations keeping in view the audience from a junior class student to one aimed at pursuing advanced level learning. We try to demystify each topic by keeping the language of the content as simple as possible or as I would say in engineering language entangled in everyday discourse for quicker and better understandability yet keeping it theoretically unshattered.

As a founder of Mechanicalmentor.com, the impetus for curating such educational content is aligned with my childhood passion and curiosity for exploring how mechanically engineered systems, machines, and devices operate. In the face of my timeless energy for enlivening concepts such as those that come in the immediate environs of mechanical engineering, I decided to enroll myself in the fall 2008 graduate engineering program at one of the leading engineering schools of the country and achieved a great milestone thereby just to taste what the engineering books are to say to me!

Today, in the course of writing present, I feel profusely interested in blending abstract engineering concepts with my decade long professional work experience within the appliances industry: I continue to work in and engaged with a plethora of manufacturing operations such as injection molding,  sheet metal shearing and bending, refrigerator cabinet and door foaming,  painting, sheet extrusion, and thermoforming. As a product and production specialist, my expertise and hands-on experience go hand in hand with a handful of lean manufacturing principles and tools, especially six sigma which lays bare the foundation of any modern production-plant management or more broadly any business as such.

To add more, my everlasting interest in robo-technology and its enormous industrial applications has helped me to chalk out modern organizational trends toward the robotization of ordinary operations at the workplace.  Recently we worked with a Chinese technical team in the commissioning of small to large size robots at the production facility of an injection molding plant – a project which paid off unbelievably in financial terms. Such a wealthy experience offers healthy food to those who want to develop themselves as modern industrial economists. It is a domain of knowledge that occupies a great place on our site as a concise category.

To cut a long story short, We, at MechanicalMentor, are building a scientific community for mechanical engineering enthusiasts all over the world in order to co-learn from basic to advance mechanical engineering concepts and explore innovative ideas apropos of mechanically assisted engineering systems only to serve humanity for a better living.